We’ve coined those days where we don’t spend any money, “Gold Star Days”. And we try to have as many of them as possible while not limiting our experiences.
We haven’t spent one cent in the past nine days, earning ourselves a whopping “Gold Star WEEK”.
Now granted, there’s been nothing to spend money on in the remote, uninhabited places we’ve visited the past week but we’re celebrating nonetheless.
Since moving aboard “Kaleo”, our typical expenses include fuel (though we sail as often as possible), groceries (expensive in the Bahamas), dining out (local cuisine tastings and date nights are a must), internet (ranges between not available and $15 a day), laundry (anywhere from $2.50 to $12 a load so far), and the occasional mooring ball or marina visit.
We don’t have a mortgage nor rent payments (we fully own our floating home). No utilities (we’re off the grid with engine and generator charging our battery-powered electricity and make our own fresh water from the sea*). No car payments (we sold one and fully own the other that is tucked away in storage). No cable bills (no tv). No retail therapy (what the islands lack in retail, they make up tenfold in beauty and adventure). No gym memberships (would love to start a Bahamas Y). And so on. And so on.
Now that we’re back in Long Island, our spend-free spree will come to an end in the morning as we plan to hit up the grocery store (fresh produce!), top off our fuel (thanks to motoring into headwinds), and will enjoy a pool-side dinner at Long Island Breeze Resort tomorrow evening. It was a good run while it lasted but we’re going to savor the night out tomorrow.
*friends have shared the use of their watermakers until we install our new CruiseRO 20GPH watermaker.

You guys are amazing! I love reading your blog and have bookmarked several of your recipes and especially can’t wait to try the English Muffins! Thanks for sharing your incredible adventures.
Congratulations on the gold star! Hubby says boats are holes that you throw your money into, glad you are proving him wrong. You really have no more (and maybe fewer) expenses than owning a house, but you get to change location and the view from your ‘front yard’ gets better all the time.
Thanks for your thoughtful note Brandie! So glad you found something useful in our little blog of our sailing adventures. If nothing else, it gives my mom and Nana proof that we’re still doing well out here so it’s a bonus ;o). The English Muffins are my new favorite thing to make … I’m sure Matt will get burned out of them soon but until then, he has an endless supply. Happy Easter to you and your family!
Hi Judith! Thanks for your note today and kuddos on our gold star week. They don’t happen as often as we’d like but we’re grateful for them as they come along. We are being blessed with awe-inspiring views into our “yard” along our adventures and certainly don’t take them for granted. Thanks again for your kind words and we wish you and your family a Happy Easter.
I wonder what being off the grid for an extended period of time does to one’s credit score. Take that FICO! Way to go dudes!