The dinghy is to a cruising boat what a car is to a house. It’s how we get to and from shore, carry groceries to the boat and see the sights in a new area. Last week Matt took our (now former) dinghy for a test spin and are. we. glad he did! Within seconds from motoring away from Kaleo, the dinghy started taking on water and the faster he motored back, the faster the this little dinghy was filling like a kiddie pool. Needless to say, we decided to go a more trustworthy route by investing in a new, shiny dinghy that we could rely on going forward. Part of the fun of a new dinghy is naming it, and within a week we stumbled on the right combination for both our dingy and outboard motor. Here’s a little backstory on how they came to be …
Last Saturday morning, our marina neighbors, Steve and Christina, had us aboard s/v EbbTide for a “FULL English breakfast” with bacon, eggs, mushrooms, sausage, bubble & squeak, tea and toast. A feast of a breakfast and great company punctuated by a beautiful sunny morning! It’s at this breakfast that we learned about Bubble and Squeak, a traditional English dish of potatoes and cabbage.
The next morning we got the day started briskly with dinghy races to breakfast at Seabrook Classic Cafe (thanks for the reco, Stuart!) and a Sunday “drive” through the marina neighborhoods. It was there, in a canal as our motor bubbled along and our new dinghy made squeaky clean sounds, that it dawned on us. Our dinghy and outboard motor are now known as “Bubble and Squeak” with gratitude to our marina mate, Steve!

It’s fit! I like it.
Cute names! Have a great weekend!
Fill the air tubes with foam in place foam – it won’t sink. Just like the USCG does, they have dinghies that survive bullet holes.
Thanks for the idea, Stuart. We need to be able to deflate the dinghy for on-deck storage while sailing though. Keep the tips coming as we have a lot to learn as we get underway.
Thanks, Cheryl! We hope you guys have a great weekend as well. It’s gorgeous here :o)
I love the name! And what a coincidence; I just finished watching an Andy Griffith episode (my favorite series of all time) and an Englishman who ended up at Andy’s house, made Bubble and Squeak for them! I kid you not.
Anyway, I found your blog through Rusty and Linda from Sitton on the Beach. Linda is a wonderful blogger and has been so kind to me. She’s taken the time to answer my endless questions and also ‘buck me up’ when I expressed huge frustrations over our latest problem. You just have to love the whole sailing community.
Hi Laura. The Sittons’ have been a Godsend and we’re so fortunate to have met them as we started this adventure. They are a wealth of knowledge and are gracious enough to generously share it. How funny that you heard Bubble and Squeak on the Andy Griffith show. We wish you all the best along your adventures.