Month 8

The bump at 32 weeks on the set of FC Kids’ “Port of Call”

With a little less than 8 weeks to go, we’re sailing through our last trimester. It’s been a fun and enjoyably busy past few weeks as we’ve …
  • Served at Adventure Week, our church’s version of vacation bible school. (Photos below capture a few moments from my sweet group of second graders traveling the high seas to the Adventure Islands!)
  • Enjoyed date nights together and even a couple double dates with friends
  • Inhaled, exhaled, got a little overwhelmed with, and laughed our way through Lamaze
  • Met with and picked out our pediatrician
  • Tossed around a few more baby name ideas but still haven’t settled on the one
  • Received an entire 1st year baby girl wardrobe and other generous gear from a dear friend, courtesy of her quickly growing little girl
  • Celebrated the 4th of July with a BBQ at our home filled with friends that we consider family
  • Cheered on Team Puma through the last week of action in the 9-month long Volvo Ocean Race 

We’re continuing to take each new week as it arrives and look forward to meeting our little skipper soon.


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