We left Thompson Bay, Long Island on Tuesday morning with plans for a beautiful sail to Conception Island*, a remote uninhabited island northeast of us.
Christie exploring the beach cliffs
The day started benign enough as we sailed up the protected waters along Long Island. As we rounded the top of the island into the open Atlantic, the sea state worsened making for a rough sail the rest of the way (another 15 miles, 3.5 hours).
We navigated around a reef and into the anchorage where we dropped the hook in translucent blue waters that lapped up to a perfect sandy beach. Conception Island is secluded, small and is surrounded on all sides by deep ocean (unlike the Exumas, which have shallow sand banks on one side) which makes the anchorage a little rolly but provides access to amazing reefs. The only way to the island is by boat and despite a few others in the anchorage we felt like we had the whole place to ourselves.
Upon waking up the next morning, we headed to the beach to peruse for sea beans, shells, and flotsam treasures. Then the gals enjoyed a swim in the crystal blue waters while the guys tossed around the Frisbee.
Matt leaping for the Frisbee catch
Exploring a small cave
A fun hike up to the point
Hiking up the dune
A beach junk swing
In the heat of the day we snorkeled with “MG” on reefs just a few hundred yards from where Kaleo was anchored. It was some of the best yet in about 10 feet of water with coral heads that rose almost to the surface. With a little current flowing against us, fins were in full gear as we snaked through cuts in the coral toward what seemed liked endless heads rising from deeper and deeper water. Rainbow-colored reef fish scurried about as we marveled at the staghorn and brain coral of this underwater city.
The highlight of the snorkel trip (if you want to look at that way) was Christie setting a new speed swimming record when she spotted a shark less than 50 feet away. A blacktip reef shark, about 3-4 feet long, was hovering near a reef as she rounded the corner and locked eyes with it.
After propelling herself away like a jet ski, we all caught up and decided that the shark was likely looking for easy-to-catch small reef fish (not a skittish swimmer). S0 we continued on the beautiful coral sightseeing tour and then returned to the boats for showers, dinner and a movie.
With appreciation for yet another beautiful island, unique in its own way, we charted a course for our next stop to Rum Cay.
*No attempts for baby-making were made during the stay on this island.
N 23° 51.07 / W 75° 07.27

Hi Folks, thanks for the “blog” info & pic’s all looks great, how deep was the drop off at the outer part of that reef ? It looks good for diving & i am trying to plat some places of where to dive from info from Zero to Cruisin & your info. Once we have set sail it looks like we will be there for a while just scuba diving :-) It looks a great life. Well done on trying it & good luck on your trip.
Hi Andy & Sonja. Thanks for your kind words about our blog. The drop off at the outer part of the shallow Conception Island reefs (also called the “Kiddie Pool” in the Explorer Charts) are about 20-30 feet deep. Best wishes on your upcoming sailing adventures. The islands as well as the amazing underwater cities offer some incredible experiences.
Great pics and video! Still amazed at the beauty of the water!