In all aspects of our life, we are blessed beyond measure and are deeply humbled by the life the Lord has created for us.
Specifically, we’re thankful for:
- Our salvation and for each new day that God allows us to become better Christians
- A sound marriage that’s growing even stronger by the day
- The time we’ve been given on this adventure to learn more about each other and experience the world around us
- For starting a new Thanksgiving tradition of reading Psalm 107 to anchor us in true appreciation
- Our AMAZING family who are so much fun to be around, have taught us kindness, love and generosity, and who lift us up daily to reach our dreams
- Our close friends that we consider family
- Modern technology that helps us stay connected with our loved ones
- Our careers that have helped provide for this dream and for Mvelopes for helping us manage those finances
- The challenges and trials that force us to become more God and self-reliant
- Psalm 91 and the peace it provides (Thanks, Marli)
- The inner diesel mechanic in all of our friends
- Fellow cruisers out there – past, present, and future – that we are learning from and being inspired by
- For all of you, for joining us as virtual crew along this journey and for your uplifting encouragement and well wishes. Wishing you many blessings today and always.

Happy Thanksgiving! I am so Thankful to be able to keep up with you all through blogging! Happy sailing! FC Downtown misses you!!
Hi there, I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say hi. Sounds like you guys are living life to the fullest, cheers to that! We live/sail in Oklahoma and would love to do a trip like that someday. All the best!
Great to hear from you Josh! Thanks so much for your well wishes and encouragement. You guys have an incredible wedding photography site! I wish we would have known you when we were married in Dallas May of 2009 :o) We’ll certainly send our friends that are recently engaged your way. Just a note of encouragement, it’s our perspective that someday can be any day that you’d like. Just takes steering around those perceived barriers and going for it. You guys have a great profession for taking it on the road, er waterway. Thanks again and fair winds. Christie & Matt
Hey Brittney! What a treat to hear from you :o). Hope you and those precious boys of yours enjoyed a restful Thanksgiving with loved ones. Thanks so much for keeping an eye on us out here. It’s encouraging and comforting to know we have our friends along as virtual crew. We love and miss you! Christie & Matt