Welcome to Duck Hunting Season in the bayou! This morning we awoke in our now semi-familiar anchorage to the echoing sounds of nearby crackling and popping. Turns out, it was opening day of duck hunting season and after getting underway, we felt like we were smack in the middle of a game of Nintendo’s Duck Hunt. Watching the sails for any shotgun shell holes, made our way along our route to Shell Morgan Fuel Depot, about 40 miles away.
In exhaustion from the engine issues of yesterday and being on guard with sonar ears for over 10 hours to detect the slightest change in the buzzing hum of our motor, we reached Shell Morgan uneventfully and gratefully. We topped off our diesel at the fuel docks and then pulled over to a seawall that would be our tie-up for the night. Though the spot is a refueling operation and quite industrial, we had running water to wash the boat down and a local fuel boat skipper gave us a gallon of degreaser to help clean up the oily foot and hand prints all over the boat from yesterday’s repairs. We cleaned the boat and then walked to a surprisingly well-stocked grocery store for eggs, bread, chocolate milk and a pizza treat for the night. Though the spot was very rolly, because it’s right on the ICW with tugs passing all night, it was a safe place to tie up and a good stop on the route. Tomorrow, our destination is Morgan City, about 60 miles away, our longest planned run yet.
N 29° 46.92/ W 92° 09.54