Over the past few weekends we’ve had the chance to spend some great time with out-of-town family. First, we flew up to Minneapolis a couple weekends ago to celebrate Grandma Butcher’s 90th birthday and Matt’s brother, Jeff’s, 23rd. And this past weekend, we were in San Diego for Matt’s cousin, Carly’s wedding.
Matt and his brother, Jeff, goofing off at Grandma’s
Some Minnesota trip highlights:
- Spending an afternoon visiting with Grandma & Aunt Linda before her big party
- Staying with Uncle Mike and Aunt Judy, where we were fed like royalty (including his famous pancakes)
- Playing “Indian Poker” and “Guess Who I Am” at Grandma’s
- Watching everyone being entertained by baby cousin Jack (super cute!)
- A trip to Trader Joe’s to stock up (we don’t have T.J.’s in Texas so we always pack extra bags to bring home treasures when traveling to cities that do)
- Sitting around the campfire with the family, hearing stories of the trouble Matt’s dad and uncle got into as boys (thanks Jeff for making the s’mores!)
San Diego
This past weekend, we celebrated Carly and Ben’s beautiful wedding in San Diego. With schools of sailboats breezing by in sunny 75-degree weather, it was the ideal setting for their big day.
Christie and Matt at the wedding in San Diego
While in town we also:
- Did a little foul weather gear shopping and found a great jacket for Christie
- Enjoyed our stay at Aunt Linda and Uncle Kim’s house (thanks again for having us!) and hung out with cousins Tyler and Trevor
- Made another stock up trip to Trader Joe’s
- Took a sunset walk along Carlsbad Beach with the fam and were treated to a seafood dinner at Dini’s by Aunt Janet
- Spent time with Matt’s parents on a roadtrip through his hometown of Ramona where we visited his childhood house, elementary school and some of the places he used to love exploring