Every time we visit Kaleo, we learn a lot. Sometimes it’s about how to best trim the sails for the fastest speed or for a more comfortable ride. Sometimes (everytime) it’s about how a planned project takes more time and money than expected. And often it’s about loving the idea of a life aboard with each new experience.
But when we are away from the boat (which is most of the time as we don’t live in the same city as our beloved vessel) the education doesn’t stop. Of course we learn a lot from books we’re reading and blogs we follow but the latest addition to our education stable have been classes from the Seven Seas University. SSU is the online education portal of the Seven Seas Cruising Association.
SSU offers a number of online courses on various cruising subjects that can be taken online in a webinar format. These classes allow an instructor to take students through a slideshow while they voice over and sometimes teach via video. We will post topline learning from each session but in the meantime here is a list of the courses we’ve taken so far:
- Celestial Navigation
- What you really, really need to know about yacht insurance
- Emergency Protocols You Must Have
- AIS (Automatic Identification System)
- Island Hopping to the Caribbean
- First Aid Afloat
Stay tuned for the highlights of what we’re learning.

Nicely done site!
If you have any questions you would like to see answered by a pool of experienced cruisers I would love suggestions. Here is what I have so far.
Hi!! So glad you commented on my blog! :) It’s always great to connect with other people (especially those under 50) who are doing the same thing as us. Sounds like you guys are on track to depart when you want to – that’s fantastic! We are still in the very early stages of our trip and, honestly, are wondering whether this is really what we want to be doing. Ha! We’re sticking with it, but there are days when we really really wish we didn’t own a boat! I’m hoping that a beautiful Pacific crossing and some “pristine white sandy beaches” (to quote you) will cure us of our current boating blues… but, that said, of course you can add us to your blogroll and I’ll be checking in on yours regularly to see how you’re coming along. If there’s anything we can help you with, let me know. My Matt has a blog at syzygysailing.com and also is keeping **detailed** (i.e. boring) maintenance records that could potentially be of help to your Matt, depending on what your projects are. Anyway, so glad to meet a fellow cruiser! Are you guys living in Houston now? Where do you keep the boat?