If you haven’t already seen it, check out The Bucket List! While it’s always a treat to get wrapped up in Morgan Freeman’s emotiveness and Jack Nicholson’s witty ways, this movie has sparked a pop culture flame that is igniting people to create their own Bucket Lists. A few that top my list are:
- Road trip the U.S.ofA. to fully taste “Americana” – take zillions of quirky photos along the way
- Continue experiencing new cultures and international travel
- Dine between the soil and the sky at the restaurant with no walls at an Outstanding in the Field event
- Learn to (and enjoy) the art of cooking – beyond my specialty of “take-out”
- Swim with dolphins
- Sail the world
- Design my dream home/santuary (could be floating ;o)
- Own a room with a view
- Share a hot air balloon ride with my sweetie
- Marry the man God has planned for me
- Become a mom
- Worry less and live more freely
- Overcome the fear of failure
- See the Northern Lights
- Chillax at The Blue Lagoon in Iceland
- Learn to speak Italian well
- Be able to send my parents on their dream vacation (for as long as they’d like)
- Send Casey to Egypt to see the pyramids and Greece to play in the Mediterranean
- Begin a family tradition and maintain the ones we have
- Read the entire Bible
- Consistently practice yoga
- Achieve and maintain financial freedom
- Find or create a job I love
- Witness something truly majestic
- Kick the bucket gracefully
And you?