Although the blog has been quiet lately, our lives haven’t been! We’ve officially finished at our jobs, sold Christie’s car, packed up our belongings and most importantly, soaked up some treasured time with our nearest and dearest friends before moving out of Dallas. The migration to Kemah was eventful, as Dallas wouldn’t let us go easily. After a flat tire on the moving trailer and our tarps disintegrating with rain to dodge, we made it in around 2:30 in the morning. The trailer looked like it belonged to Gypsies but it ended up fitting quite perfectly in our little storage unit.
We’ve spent the last week and a half working tirelessly on boat projects, and while an official cast off date hasn’t been set we are getting closer. Fortunately, Kaleo is close to Christie’s parents’ home so we’re enjoying spending time with them and the rest of the family as we make final preparations. We’ll keep everyone updated as timelines firm up.